Arrived in Jakarta, and managed to get through no problem despite declaring some plant material and seed we'd brought for one of our couch hosts on Lombok. I don't think they actually looked at the form.
The next obstacle was a bit more of a real problem because none of the ATMs would dispense any money to us! We just changed some £s at the money changer to see us through the immediate issue, and then transferred to the domestic terminal via the free shuttle bus.
Retried some ATMs there with no success, Gulp! Manged to find a branch of BNI bank open and with their help found what we were trying to withdraw exceeded the daily withdrawal limit. Obvious really given the message on the ATM said 'temporary problem, transaction cancelled'. So crazily enough we could proceed to withdraw the daily limit three times.

We found the Mona lounge, and as planned spent the next 4 hours or so there for around £4 per head, with food and drink(non-alcoholic) dispensed continuously as we lounged on comfy couches. Not bad.
As 1 pm approached we shook the girls awake from an apparently very deep sleep(poor things, Ellie looked particularly disgusted by being woken), and proceeded to the departure gate.
On board after a baking hot walk across the tarmac to the plane we were soon en route to Denpasar, Bali.
I enjoyed observing the mix of people on the plane for the next 1.5 hrs or so, ethnic Chinese, Balinese, and a mixed assortment of Europeans.
The Balinese have a strong Indian influence in their looks, mixed with East Asian, and some are very attractive.
On queue we were met at the arrivals areal by our man from Bali hire cars, who led us to the 'trusty' SuzukI Jimmy parked about 5-10 mins away. Paper work sorted (around $13 per day, pretty reasonable) we entered the teeming traffic of Denpasar on the short drive to the Ibis Hotel.
Seeing the petrol gauge hard on empty we stopped to gas up, and to our surprise found it's only 4500 IDR(about 30 pence) per litre.
So we threw in 100,000 worth which took the tank to about 6 tenths full.
Not far from there we saw the hotel but had to carry on for about another 1/2 km or so to find a break in the central barrier to hang a uey, which wasn't so easy with the terrible lock on the car, so had to do it in two goes to the sound of a lot of beeping from hundreds of bikes and cars.

We were given some very nice fresh pineapple juice as we waited, very welcome in the heat.
The room was actually quite nice with a big king-sized bed and big TV, so kids were quite excited.
After a while I went out to a plaza next door and bought some food for the kids, some rice and chicken katsu, and teriyaki beef, which was very nice, but not quite enough so I had to go out to the small shop next door and got some krupuk and corn chips to top them up.
After we'd all showered and relaxed for a while we all fell asleep. I was woken up about 2.30 am though because Eunmi had woken up, still being a bit jet-lagged.
Eventually we all slept very well and woke up in time before breakfast finished at 10 am. There was a reasonable selection of western and Indonesian style food and thankfully proper English tea.