
2013 Indonesia, Lombok, Rinjani Mt.

Got up and packed up for the trip to Mt Rinjani, Sumbalu, where Elly's father owns a homestay. Her uncle drove for us, and on the way we also picked up another two of Ellye's friends, so a total of 9 people and luggage as well in the Toyata Kijang.
In typical Indonesian style progress was painfully slow, so it was pitch dark bu the time we reached the base of the mountain. The road up the mountain became increasingly steep and narrow with a lot of large potholes, and the headlights reveled very dense jungle and huge trees.
As we approached the summit we were often 1st gear due to the steepness and deteriorating road conditions. The descent and drive along the coater floor, through the main Sumbalu village to the homestay still took another 2.5 mins or so. We arrived at the homestay which was packed full of cars inside and on the road outside.
Apparently the Lombok Chief of Police had booked the entire homestay apart form the original building that was on the land when Elly's parents bought it, and was largely constructed with bamboo and hardwood.
It looked really good, but the downside was the open area was covered in 2-3 marques and a full on party was in progress with a band included. Once we settled in we ventured out to watch the spectacle. Interesting to watch people having a full on party with dancing etc but not a drop of alcohol in sight.
As the night ware one, approaching midnight, I was expecting things quieten down a bit, but it seemed to go on at full steam well into the early hours.
As usual Eunmi managed to strike up a conversation, this time with one of coppers, and took the opportunity to mention what happened in Lembar.
I think there was a bit of feigned interest on his port.
We tried to hit the pit for some sleep, but the thin walls of the hit and the close proximity of the loud music made it difficult, for me at least.
And after the music stopped some guys sat right outside our window talking loudly for some time, but I did eventually manage to sleep.

Woke up early, while everyone else seemed to still be sleeping well, so I slipped out and took some photos of Mt Rinjani as the sun first hit it.
It was perfectly clear right to the summit and looked amazing with all its contours revealed by the early morning sun, as did all the other surrounding hills and peaks.
As the morning ware on some cloud began to gradually shroud to higher peaks, which added to the mystery and majesty at it all.

In the morning Elly organised to go for a walk so we all headed off through the village and turned off down a path that led into the paddy fields at the mouth of a beautiful mountain valley. From a distance the hills and bush are very reminiscent of New Zealand. 

We left the vivid green paddy fields, back lit by the early morning sun, and entered a maassive growth of giant bamboo with stalks about 6" across and 40 ft high.

Through this we climbed a bit and entered a small enclave of original Lombok style houses still actually occupied, with kids and chickens running around and carefully tended gardens. We carried on up to a small knole that afforded a glorious panorama of the paddy fields and bushy hills to the right, and another across the village and flowing tops of the giant bamboo across to Mt Rinjani to the left. I had the strong impression this spot was a place of energy and tried to meditate a bit as I sat there.
When we left, Elly's car was waiting int the little village enclave to take us back to the homestay. 

We had a leisurely breakfast and got the car packed up again.
Eunmi spoke to a German and a Canadian guy who were in the apposite homestay cabin. The canadian guy planned to do the 4 day trek up to Mt Rinjani lake and out the opposite side of the mountain. After heavy rain overnight it looked like it was going to be good clear weather for the trip.

Later we visited on old friend of Elly's called Dewi who was married to an Australian guy. She was a big smiley vivacious woman, full of energy and very funny.
We met her at another friend of Elly's who had a custard apple orchard where we picked a box full, and then sat down for some fresh coconut water and soft flesh to refresh ourselves.

While we were there Dewi explained she planned a road trip to Jakarta over 5 days, and she managed to convince Elly to join her for the journey. Sound like that would be great fun for them, with both their outward and fun-loving free spirits together.

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